Sunday, January 6, 2008

Traffic Jam

Monday rush hour. Its the first day of the week and I got stuck in heavy traffic. Darn! I'm late. Traffic flow is bumper to bumper. Everybody's in a hurry and no one wants to give way. Undisciplined bus and jeepney drivers stop in the middle of the road to load or unload passangers. We've passed by a number of road constructions.

When I finally reached the office I heard employees complaining with the same traffic I went through and everybody was pissed and disappointed. After a few chats I opened my email and there's this one email that caught my attention and made me realized to be more thankful on the traffic I encounter everyday.

This is the Stremnaya Road is nicknamed “the road of death” located in Bolivia, Sout America
So tranquil…No traffic at all today !
Spoke too soon……
I bet this is a "One Way" road.
You got to be kidding me.... Its so wide here & easy to make the pass…
Hang on. Wish I had the inside lane…
You just honk & the guy coming will move over huh ?
I don’t think he heard your horn……….
“…. Our Father ..who art in heaven…..…
After that ride, tell me honestly….You going to complain about your lousy,
traffic-congested superhighways ever again ???


kellecker said...

DANG! That was indeed scary. Eerr..the place actually reminds me of a road going to Nueva Ecija (or was it Vizcaya). Twas a dangerous steep.

I'd rather be thankful in a traffic jam than commute everyday to work passing through that kind of road--always praying for your life. lol!

eiLLeR said...

Yeah me too... I'd rather walk than to pass that wery wide road hehehe.. I wonder how high the life and death insurance of those drivers passing there? ;o)